We have no litmus test to join our group. You do not have to profess your belief in no gods. However we have this Code of Conduct which we take very seriously. These rules are not optional, and we appreciate your commitment to them. They apply if we’re interacting online, on our Facebook page or our Meetup Group for example, or in person at any meeting or event, formal or informal, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when.
Neither is trolling the group or any members within, and will be dealt with swiftly and conclusively. In most cases, a warning will be issued first, but if extreme behavior occurs, banishment will be automatic and permanent. Civil discourse in this group is of primary importance, period, end of story. - RELIGIOUS PROSELYTIZING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED
No religious preaching, or attempts at conversion, or the posting of religious memes of any kind will be allowed in this group. This is a place for discussion and debate, not conversion. Preachers will be excommunicated. - CIVILITY AND COURTESY ARE A MUST AT ALL TIMES
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone here with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but we will not tolerate uncivil behavior, name calling and ad hominem attacks. - NO RACE HATE SPEECH OR BULLYING AND RACIAL SLURS
Bullying of any kind WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, and degrading comments about things such as race, sexual orientation, identity, or ableist language will not be tolerated. - NO PROMOTIONS OR SPAM
Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links are not allowed without prior permission from Admins. - RESPECT ALL MEMBERS PRIVACY!
What happens in the group stays in the group. Sharing information (INCLUDING SCREENSHOTS) outside the group is grounds for immediate and permanent exile from this group. - NO CONSPIRACY THEORISTS
No anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, and other conspiracy theorists. You are not welcome, please keep scrolling. - HAVE QUESTIONS? CONTACT THE ADMINS.
We are a dynamic and involved bunch, and you can rest assured that any questions or concerns you may have will be addressed quickly.